Wednesday, November 14, 2007
First real snow in Helsinki!

The first time it started falling snow this year in Helsinki was in October.

Then on and off, there came snow, and it melted. Yesterday was snowing too but it melted on the ground and was wet and disgusting.

But today, the snow finally stayed... and accumulated on the ground! It was all white and it finally felt like it really snowed!! It just made me so happy today!! because of the snow! That's what i'm here for! and to top it off, I finally got a pair of winter boots from dinsko today. 35 euros for a pair that covers up to 3/4 of my small thigh. not that expensive they say... but that's because it's from the kids section! hahaha. :)

For those reading in hot and humid, but nevertheless still lovely Singapore; here's a video that I have to share. Don't get too jealous! =p

YuAn® spun on 4:22 AM.