Sunday, December 09, 2007
Suomelina Island Excursion Trip, 13th Oct 2007

i apologize for the lack of updates because i've been so lazy.. and busy. haha. so many photos that it's impossible for me to blog everything! anyway, our finnish class had an excursion to suomelina island a few weeks back. it's one of the islands in finland where people visit.

the teacher talked about lotsa historical stuff to us... about russians and how finland used to be and blah blah. but honestly, erm i didn't pay much attention because i wasn't that interested. but i must say that the island's quite pretty and i managed to take some nice pictures. :) so i shall not say much and just let the pictures do most of the talking.

on our way there in the ferry.

at the island...

the class listening attentively to the teacher.

then we walked into some underground kinda thing...

alex and anders.
looked at some sculpture...

then some old shipyard... they built the ship here and they somehow it's connected to the water and it's able to open up the doors and let it sail out. something like that lar.

dennis with his balloon. haha.

group picture!!!

last group shot at the ferry terminal before we left!

so that's about it for the pretty suomelina island! :) hope you all enjoyed the nice sceneries!

YuAn® spun on 7:58 PM.