Friday, August 25, 2006
we are Singapore... Singapooorreeeaannnns....

i was just looking through and organizing the numerous number of photos that i've gotten from the rest of the singaporeans during bbq that night.. and suddenly all the memories just came back. sighs.

i miss all my PKD singaporeans man.

we've only known each other for barely 4 months.. but yet the friendships and bonds built were so miraculous. i miss my americans too but yet somehow i feel that the friendships of singaporeans are probably more dependable.

it seems pretty unanimous that most of us, seem to have this post-WAT syndrome. haha. we all miss the times at PKD... all the memories.. all the fun... work wasn't something too fantastic.. but it wasn't that bad. especially now that we are all back in stressful singapore uni life... the more we miss the peaceful and carefree life back then. life was simple and good.

how i wish i could go back to life back then. but good things never last i guess.. and nothing is forever in life... oh sighs.



and 3

WAT USA, PKD '06, Singapore.
We rock. :)

YuAn® spun on 10:10 PM.