Monday, July 03, 2006

today was quite a happy day... because things sorta turned out better than i expected.

i guess it's always the case when things can only get better when you get all ready for the worst scenario! there's no expectations... and so when things turn out to be slightly better... it really makes your day... simply because it can't get any worst than what you thought! haha.

i guess i'm lucky... and i'm happy too that i have others to help make my life better. my lucky stars seems to be shining at US right now... how come they don't seem to shine in singapore? hmms.

i am happy because things turned out exactly to be what i thought would have been a perfect situation/scenario, even though i was all ready for the worst! okay, probably perfect is an exaggeration.. more of like just a good scenario. so well, i'm fine and good. and happy with it. things just sorta fell into place... somehow... thanks to my lady luck. :)

independence day is on 4th July for US... and they have like fireworks for these few days. today's the first night of fireworks.. and i watched it from my ride. it was a spectacular view because it was near to where they were lit out. i think independence day is sorta like their national day.. i guess? so yeaps, seems like a big hooha apparently. and well, the fireworks tonight was really pretty and bright.. similar to those they have at national day parade every year.. but the difference is that i don't have kiasu singaporeans popping their heads right infront of me during the whole time. haha. the view there from my ride was great... peaceful, quiet.. and just nice. it was simply enjoyable for me throughout the 15 mins.

here's a short video of it which i took! :)

YuAn® spun on 2:02 PM.